Snorkeling - Europlongée

Snorkeling - Europlongée

Equipped with a wetsuit, a mask, a snorkel and flippers, navigate the Mediterranean fauna and flora with the help of an experienced guide.

Duration : 3 h

  • Water-based activity
  • Fun experience
  • Perfect for families

On the programme

Put on your free diving equipment (neoprene wetsuit, flippers, mask, snorkel) and navigate the water surface to explore and observe the rich marine fauna and flora right beneath the surface. 

Subject to your level and desire, try out freediving in a controlled and safe environment to the frequency, depth and duration of your choice.

The activity takes place in an area specifically delineated for underwater recreation.

Good to know

Included in the offer

Snorkeling equipment and guide.

To take with you

Swimming costume and towel. 

Other info
  • After you booked, we will confirm the availability within 24 hours
  • No charges will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Present directly your confirmation with your smartphone
Spoken language French

Activity location



2170 Route de la Corniche, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, France


Stationnement gratuit

Public transport

Agglobus ligne n°5 - depuis la gare routière de Saint-Raphaël, arrêt "Les marguerites"

Activity provider : Europlongée

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

By our advisors


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