Kayak Raid ECA

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4.1 7 Reviews
Kayak Raid ECA

A real treasure hunt on the water, using a kayak, go on an adventure above the waves in search for clues !

Agility, concentration and balance challenges are waiting for you.

Will you be able to succeed in your quest and open the chest that holds the treasure ?

Duration : 1 h

  • Nautical contest
  • Treasure hunt
  • Familly activity

On the programme

Go as a team aboard your kayaks to conduct a complete treasure hunt on the water.

With a backpack, a roadbook and a compass, go on an adventure above the water in search for clues !

On the program : agility, concentration and balance challenges are waiting for you.

The objective of your quest is to find the combination to open the treasure chest !

Good to know

To take with you
  • Swimsuit
  • Beach towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Water
Other info
  • Once your reservation has been made, we will confirm availability within 24 hours
  • No debit will be taken if the activity is not available
  • Confirmation has to be presented directly on the smartphone, printing is not necessary
Spoken language French

Activity location



Plage de l'Oratoire, Saint-Raphaël, France


Free parking at the D-Day landing beach

Public transport

Bus line 8, TER stop Dramont

Activity provider : Esterel Aventures

Customer reviews


Based on 7 Reviews

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Belle activité

Commenté le 27/08/2023

Activité original nous avons passé un super moment, énigmes au top.



Commenté le 17/08/2021

Parfait pour adultes et enfants


Escape game super sympa

Commenté le 14/08/2021

Escape game tres sympa, un peu sportif si un enfant doit pagayer mais c'est faisable. Ça prend un peu plus de temps. On a adoré. On recommande pour toutes les familles qui veulent decouvrir le coin d'une autre façon.

Official website

Partner of local tourist offices

Best Prices

Free of charge and surcharge

Activities tested

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